The Organizing working group Pyi Gyi Khin, Ratana Metta Organization, Marie Stopes International and the National NGO Network (3N) and community partner international organized the second Myanmar CSO consultation meeting from November 21 to 23 2016 at the Sky Star hotel in Yangon. Total 146 CSO from all regions and states participated in this forum to achieve the following objectives.
- To review progress towards universal health coverage and identify opportunities for advocacy to accelerate advancement towards development of policies and systems in this regard;
- To identify common platforms for advocating for a more equitable and inclusive health care system, including in the ethnic regions within the on-going peace dialogue process
- To review the agenda for networking and advocacy among civil society organizations in the health sector
The participants presented their views on recent developments in the health sector in their states/regions and the remaining top priority needs.The participants identified the following messages in relations to development of Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar. These messages were put forward by the four civil society representatives at the National Health Plan 2016-2021 development workshops.
The participants agreed to form an informal health network to be able to continue to share information and work together on the advocacy messages developed. Focal points were selected to represent different regional networks. A total of 20 focal points were selected: